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School Tours

Field trips and outreach visits create opportunities for students to work directly with primary sources. We offer a wide range of programs on-site for all grade levels. 


Register your group:

Complete the school group registration form to help us better serve you. Groups that register will receive one SCHS campus guide for each chaperone upon arrival at the Museum, up to 6 guides per registered group.

Tours are free to school districts located in Steele County. 


Consider accessibility concerns:

The History Centers entrances, exhibitions, and restrooms areas are fully accessible. The Village of Yesteryear has limited accessibility.


Plan for lunch:

Brown bag lunches may be eaten outside in the park pavilion located just south of the History Center. In the event of inclement weather and space permitting, lunches may be eaten in the History Center.


Recruit chaperones:

Students on the SCHS campus must be supervised at all times. It is vital that chaperones and teachers accompany students while in the History Center and in the Village of Yesteryear both to monitor behavior and to ensure students’ safety. The required student-chaperone ratios are:

  • one adult for every five students, grades Pre-K through 2

  • one adult for every ten students, grades 3 – 7

  • one adult for every 15 students, grades 8 – 12


Plan your route:

The SCHS campus has more than over 150,000 square feet of public space. We recommend printing museum maps for students and chaperones. Printable maps can be located here.



School Tours are available May 1st - September 30th

Tours can be tailored to the curriculum needs of each class. Contact us to discuss the needs of your class today!

Tour Rules
Village Map
Stay tuned for hands-on activities and
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© 2020 by Steele County Historical Society, 1700 Austin Road, Owatonna, MN.  507-451-1420 Proudly created with

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